Naqvi Lab Quantitative principles of gene regulation in development and disease

Join us

We are recruiting at all levels, from undergraduates to postdoctoral fellows. Scroll down for more information if interested in working on exciting questions at the interface of gene regulation, human genetics, computational modeling, and developmental biology. Please don’t hesitate to email Sahin with further questions.

We are seeking to build a welcoming, inclusive, and intellectually engaging environment for training and mentoring. Accordingly, we welcome scientists with a broad range of interests and expertise, including both experimental and computational biology. No particular experience is required!

Postdoctoral fellows

Please email Sahin with your overarching scientific interests, research areas in the Naqvi Lab that you are interested in pursuing, and a brief summary of your graduate research. Please include your CV as well as names and contact information for three references.

Graduate students

Students enrolled in one of the Harvard Integrated Life Sciences graduate programs or the Harvard/MIT MD-PhD Program should email Sahin to discuss your interests, ongoing work in the lab, and potential rotation projects.

Prospective graduate students with an interest in the lab’s work but unsure of which graduate program to apply to should write in advance of applying to discuss - graduate school admissions can be complex and daunting to navigate and we are happy to provide advice!

Research assistants

Please email Sahin with your CV, a statement of your interests, and a rough estimate of how long you plan to stay in the lab (if you plan on applying to graduate programs while in the lab).


We welcome enquiries from students enrolled in any college or university. Please email Sahin with any relevant coursework, a statement of your interests, and a rough estimate of how long you plan to stay in the lab.

Visiting students

Master’s or PhD students enrolled in programs in the U.S. or internationally are welcome to email Sahin with a CV, statement of interests, and approximate timeframe.